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Anonymous bean (Local Bean)

The class decorated with @Local is an anonymous bean, so it is also called a local bean. This type of bean is only used within the module, there is no naming conflict, and it is easy to define and use

In page component, we created a page component counter through a cli command. Now, we pull out the logic of the count state, put it in a local bean to demonstrate the effect of logic reuse

Create Local Bean: counter

The code skeleton for local bean can be created using the cli command:

$ zova :create:local page/counter/counter --module=a-demo
  • The name of the local bean is counter, located in the directory page/counter


export class Counter {}
  • Local is a decorator function. The class decorated with Local will automatically be registered in the bean container

Add reactive codes

Migrate the code in the page component counter to the local bean

export class Counter {
  count: number = 0;

  increment() {

  decrement() {


The property count defined here is reactive, bidding farewell to the writing style of ref.value

Inject and Use Local Bean

Inject local bean in the page component counter, and then access properties and methods in render


import { Counter } from './counter.js';

export class ControllerPageCounter {
  $$counter: Counter;
  • Use is a decorator function. By the property decorated with Use, the system will automatically look up or create an instance in the bean container, and then inject it into page component


export class RenderCounter {
  render() {
    return (
        <div>count(ref): {this.$$counter.count}</div>
        <button onClick={() => this.$$counter.increment()}>Increment</button>
        <button onClick={() => this.$$counter.decrement()}>Decrement</button>

Why do the bean instance variable names use $$ as the prefix

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