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Named Bean: Store

Except for @Local, the classes decorated by the other decorator functions are named beans. Zova provides a naming convention for such beans, which can avoid naming conflicts and facilitate cross-module usage

Store bean is a named bean. Let's first understand the definition and usage of named beans through store bean

Through store bean, we can define a global state object and use it in any module. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to use pinia. If you want to use the existing pinia store, see: Pinia

Create Store Bean: userInfo

Let's first create a store bean userInfo. The code skeleton for store bean can be created using the cli command:

$ zova :create:store userInfo --module=a-demo


export class StoreUserInfo {}
  • Store is a decorator function. The class decorated with Store will automatically be registered in the bean container

Add reactive codes

We add a reactive property user in userInfo and perform asynchronous initialization

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;

export class StoreUserInfo {
  user: User;

  protected async __init__() {
    this.user = await this.loadUser();

  private async loadUser(): Promise<User> {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      window.setTimeout(() => {
        resolve({ name: 'tom', age: 18 });
      }, 500);

  public async reloadUser() {
    this.user = await this.loadUser();

Use Store Bean

Next, create local bean testC using the cli command:

$ zova :create:local testC --module=a-demo

Then inject userInfo directly into testC and access the properties and methods of userInfo


import { StoreUserInfo } from './bean/store.userInfo.js';

export class TestC {
  $$userInfo: StoreUserInfo;

  protected async __init__() {
    await this.$$userInfo.reloadUser();
  • By the property decorated with Use, the system will automatically look up or create an instance in the app bean container, and then inject it into testC
  • Set the type of $$userInfo to StoreUserInfo, the app bean container will find the class and create an instance based on this type

Use Store Bean Cross-Module

What we just demonstrated was using store beans within the current module. Now let's take a look at how to use them cross-module

Bean Identifier

In Zova, a module is a natural bundle boundary, and automatically bundled into an independent asynchronous chunk when building

Therefore, when using store beans cross-module, we do not recommend injecting directly based on type, but rather on identifier

The system will automatically assign an identifier to each store bean as the following format:


For example, the previously created userInfo corresponds to the identifier, where a-demo is the module name which userInfo belongs to

Use Store Bean

Next, create a module a-demo2 using the cli command, and create a local bean testD at the same time:

$ zova :create:module a-demo2 --template=basic --suite=a-demo
$ pnpm install --force
$ zova :create:local testD --module=a-demo2

Then inject userInfo directly into testD and access the properties and methods of userInfo


import type { StoreUserInfo } from 'zova-module-a-demo';

export class TestD {
  $$userInfo: StoreUserInfo;

  protected async __init__() {
    await this.$$userInfo.reloadUser();
  • Import the type of class StoreUserInfo from the module of zova-module-a-demo
  • Pass the identifier of the store bean to the Use decorator function, which in this case is The system will automatically look up or create an instance in the app bean container using the bean identifier, and then inject it into testD

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