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Route Params

Zova enhances route Params and provides Typescript typing support

We still use the page component user to fully demonstrate how to define and use typed Params

Define Params

Define Params in controller.ts:


export const ParamsSchema = zz.object({
  id: zz.number().optional().default(0),
  • An object is defined using zz, containing the field: id

Route name

In order to support Params, the name field needs to be used on the route record and registered in the module's resources

1. Route record


export const routes: IModuleRoute[] = [
  { path: 'card/header2', component: CardHeader2 },
  { name: 'user', path: 'user/:id?', component: User },
  • Set name to user, the system automatically adds the module prefix and generates the absolute name a-demo:user
  • Change path to user/:id?

2. Resource record


import { TypePageParamsQuery } from 'zova';
import * as NSControllerPageUser from '../page/user/controller.js';

declare module 'zova' {
  export interface IPageNameRecord {
    'a-demo:user': TypePageParamsQuery<NSControllerPageUser.QueryInput, NSControllerPageUser.ParamsInput>;

export const pageNameSchemas = {
  'a-demo:user': {
    params: NSControllerPageUser.ParamsSchema,
    query: NSControllerPageUser.QuerySchema,
  • Add a record to the IPageNameRecord interface and declare the Params type corresponding to a-demo:user
  • Add a record to the pageNameSchemas object and declare the ParamsSchema corresponding to a-demo:user

Use Params

In render.ts, you can directly obtain Params and render its fields


export class RenderUser {
  render() {
    return (
        <div>id: {this.$}</div>
  • The type of $ is number

Pass in Params

Next, we need to pass in the Params parameter when navigating the route

Still listen to the button click event in the page component user and use different Params parameter to navigate to the current page. In this way, we can see that $params is reactive

export class RenderUser {
  render() {
    return (
        <div>id: {this.$}</div>
          onClick={() => {
            const id = this.$ + 1;
            const url = this.$router.resolveName('a-demo:user', { params: { id } });
          Go To Current Page


Zova injects a $params object into the base class of the controller bean so that the Params parameter can be obtained through this.$params in the render instance

Gif Demonstration


Released under the MIT License.