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SEO Meta

SEO Meta can dynamically change page title, manage <meta> tags, manage <html> and <body> DOM element attributes, add/remove/change <style> and <script> tags in the head of your document (useful for CDN stylesheets or for json-ld markup, for example), or manage <noscript> tags


Zova provides the $useMeta method in the BeanBase base class, which can provide SEO Meta data


export class BeanBase {
  protected $useMeta(options: SSRMetaOptions | (() => SSRMetaOptions)) {}


export interface SSRMetaOptions {
  title?: string;
  titleTemplate?(title: string): string;
  meta?: { [name: string]: SSRMetaTagOptions };
  link?: { [name: string]: Record<string, string> };
  script?: { [name: string]: Record<string, string> };
  htmlAttr?: { [name: string]: string | undefined };
  bodyAttr?: { [name: string]: string | undefined };
  bodyStyle?: { [name: string]: string | undefined };
  bodyClass?: { [name: string]: boolean };
  noscript?: { [name: string]: string };

Static meta data

class ControllerPageSome extends BeanBase {
  protected async __init__() {
    const metaData = {
      // sets document title
      title: 'Index Page',
      // optional; sets final title as "Index Page - My Website", useful for multiple level meta
      titleTemplate: title => `${title} - My Website`,

      // meta tags
      meta: {
        description: { name: 'description', content: 'Page 1' },
        keywords: { name: 'keywords', content: 'Quasar website' },
        equiv: { 'http-equiv': 'Content-Type', content: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' },
        // note: for Open Graph type metadata you will need to use SSR, to ensure page is rendered by the server
        ogTitle: {
          property: 'og:title',
          // optional; similar to titleTemplate, but allows templating with other meta properties
          template(ogTitle) {
            return `${ogTitle} - My Website`;

      // CSS tags
      link: {
        material: { rel: 'stylesheet', href: '' },

      // JS tags
      script: {
        ldJson: {
          type: 'application/ld+json',
          innerHTML: `{ "@context": "" }`,

      // <html> attributes
      htmlAttr: {
        'xmlns:cc': '', // generates <html xmlns:cc="">
        empty: undefined, // generates <html empty>

      // <body> attributes
      bodyAttr: {
        'action-scope': 'xyz', // generates <body action-scope="xyz">
        empty: undefined, // generates <body empty>

      // <noscript> tags
      noscript: {
        default: 'This is content for browsers with no JS (or disabled JS)',

Invoking $useMeta multiple times will overwrite the value of the same key in the former:

// first loaded
class ControllerPageSome extends BeanBase {
  protected async __init__() {
      title: 'Index Page',

// a subsequent loaded
class ControllerPageAnother extends BeanBase {
  protected async __init__() {
      title: 'Index Page!!!',

Reactive meta data

$useMeta also supports passing in reactive data:

class ControllerPageSome extends BeanBase {
  title: string;

  protected async __init__() {
    this.$useMeta(() => {
      return {
        title: this.title,

  setAnotherTitle() {
    // will automatically trigger a Meta update due to the binding
    this.title = 'Another title';

Released under the MIT License.