Create a Query object and return it directly if it already exists
export class ModelTodo {
select() {
return this.$useQueryExisting({
queryKey: ['select'],
queryFn: async () => {
return this.scope.service.todo.select();
- queryKey
- Required
- Ensure local cache uniqueness
- Namespaces are added automatically. For example, the Bean identifier of ModelTodo is
, then the complete queryKey is['demo-basic.model.todo', 'select']
- queryFn
- Required
- Invoke this function at the appropriate time to fetch server data
- meta
- Optional
- Extended parameters
- See: tanstack: useQuery
Create a Mutation object and return it directly if it already exists
export class ModelTodo {
insert() {
return this.$useMutationExisting<void, ServiceTodoIntertParams>({
mutationKey: ['insert'],
mutationFn: async params => {
return this.scope.service.todo.insert(params);
onSuccess: () => {
this.$invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['select'] });
- mutationKey
- Required
- Ensure local cache uniqueness
- Namespaces are added automatically. For example, the Bean identifier of ModelTodo is
, then the complete mutationKey is['demo-basic.model.todo', 'insert']
- mutationFn
- Required
- Used to perform mutation operation
- onSuccess
- Optional
- Will be invoked onSuccess
- onError
- Optional
- Will be invoked onError
- onSettled
- Optional
- Will be invoked onSuccess or onError
Invalidate the Query object in order to re-fetch the data
this.$invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['select'] });
this.$invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['get', params.id] });
Query Filters
Create a Query object based on localstorage
export class ModelUser extends BeanModelBase {
user?: ServiceUserEntity;
protected async __init__() {
this.user = this.$useQueryLocal({
queryKey: ['user'],
- queryKey
- Required
- meta
- Optional
- Extended parameters
Create a Query object based on cookie
export class ModelUser extends BeanModelBase {
token?: string;
protected async __init__() {
this.token = this.$useQueryCookie({
queryKey: ['token'],
- queryKey
- Required
- meta
- Optional
- Extended parameters
Create a Query object based on memory
export class ModelTheme extends BeanModelBase {
cBrand: string;
protected async __init__() {
this.cBrand = this.$useQueryMem({
queryKey: ['cBrand'],
- queryKey
- Required
- meta
- Optional
- Extended parameters
Query Meta
When creating a Query object, you can pass in the meta
extension parameters
For example, we can store the current theme's darkMode
in a cookie. The type of darkMode is true | false | 'auto'
, but when storing cookies, the types are all strings, so conversion operation is required the next time the value is retrieved from the cookie
darkMode: ThemeDarkMode; // auto/true/false
protected async __init__() {
this.darkMode = this.$useQueryCookie({
queryKey: ['themedark'],
meta: {
persister: {
deserialize: (value, deserializeDefault) => {
if (value === 'auto') value = cookieThemeDarkDefault;
return deserializeDefault(value);
defaultData: 'auto',
- meta.persister
- serialize:Custom serialization method
- deserialize:Custom deserialization method
- meta.defaultData
- Provides default values, which are only valid for
sync data
- Provides default values, which are only valid for