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Zova recommends using store bean to create global state objects. Of course, you can also use the existing pinia store

Basic idea

Create a store bean and embed the pinia store in the store bean. In this way, you can inject the store bean anywhere and directly access the properties and methods of the bean instance, while providing Typescript typing support

1. Enable the Pinia module

The Pinia module is disabled by default. In this way, if the pinia store is not used in the project, the pinia code will not be bundled. Therefore, if you want to use the pinia store, you need to enable the Pinia module first

Create a new file env/.env.mine in the project root directory:

  • Set PINIA_ENABLED to true, and the Pinia module will be automatically enabled

2. Create a pinia store

For the convenience of demonstration, first create a pinia store: useCounterStore


import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';

export const useCounterStore = defineStore('counter', () => {
  const count = ref(0);
  const name = ref('apple');
  const doubleCount = computed(() => count.value * 2);
  function increment() {
  return { count, name, doubleCount, increment };
  • Here, the Setup syntax is used to create the pinia store, and the Option syntax is also supported

3. Create a store bean


Context Menu - [Module Path]: Zova Create/Bean: Store

Enter the name of store bean according to the prompt, such as counter. The VSCode extension will automatically create the code skeleton of store bean

Use useCounterStore in the generated file


import { Store } from 'zova';
import { BeanPiniaStoreBase, PiniaStore } from 'zova-module-a-pinia';
import { useCounterStore } from './counterStore.js';

export interface StoreCounter extends PiniaStore<typeof useCounterStore> {}

export class StoreCounter extends BeanPiniaStoreBase {
  protected async __init__() {
    await super.__init__(useCounterStore);
  • line 5: Define a type StoreCounter, through which you can directly access the properties and methods of pinia store
  • line 8: Inherited from the base class BeanPiniaStoreBase
  • line 10: Call the __init__ method of the base class to create an instance of pinia store

4. Use store bean

You can use store bean in any module. Here we take the existing page component of module demo-basic as an example:


import { Local, Use } from 'zova';
import { StoreCounter } from '../../bean/store.counter.js';

export class ControllerPagePinia {
  $$counter: StoreCounter;

  protected async __init__() {
    const count = this.$$counter.count;
    const doubleCount = this.$$counter.doubleCount;
    const name = this.$$;
  • line 6: Use the @Use decorator function
  • line 7: Declare a variable of type StoreCounter
  • Then you can directly access the properties and methods of $$counter

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